Rev. Carl & Lucille Schroeder (施嘉爾牧師夫婦)

Dec. 18.2010 




我們健康情況大致良好。兩個月前醫師說我心律不整要注意以防中風,感謝主,醫師在我年度健檢時發現這問題,讓我能開始藥物控制。我在Holland 的Third Refom1ed Church 教會擔任長老,同時也負責有約一百人參與的成人聖經課程。我也輪流擔任我們住宅社區委員。我太太情況也一切良好。

Hope College 的國際學生中偶爾有幾位來自台灣,我們很高興能幫助接待他們。



Dec. 18.2010 

Chhin-ai e Lim Sian-si',

Once again you represent the Taiwan Church Council of North America in sending us a very generous check. It was also kind of you to update us on the welfare of other retired missionaries who have served in Taiwan. And the update on the general situation in Taiwan is most welcome as well. It helps us in our prayers for the Taiwan Christian Church

This is to update you on our lives. Lucille and I have been retired now tor many years from Taiwan. but you folks are never far from our hearts, and the TCC is remembered regularly in our prayers.

We have been in good health until now. Within the last two months I was diagnosed with a chronic heart flutter that requires very careful attention especially to prevent stroke due to a tendency of my blood to coagulate and create danger of heart stroke. Fortunately the doctor caught this at my annual physical. and I am on meds to lower the chance ofa heart attack. I never had trouble before this-it pays to have an annual physical! Other than that the Lord has been good to us. I am an elder in Third Refom1ed Church here in Holland. I am also president of the Adult Bible class. which serves about 100 persons every week. In my neighborhood I am keeper of the grounds in our subdivision, a job we residents rotate in order to keep our housing costs low. Now it is my tum! Lucille is well, and aside from this problem for me. we have always been in good health until now.

We love to serve overseas students at Hope College. and occasionally there will be a student from Taiwan, among the many overseas students at the college, and we enjoy playing host to the Orientals among them.

May God bless you for the gratitude you show so faithfully to us missionaries who have served the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan. We have so many happy memories of Taichung Presbytery, and of my years as missionaries years ago.

Carl & Lucille Schroeder