Mrs. Marie K. Wilson (韋瑪俐)2010年請安函


你們對我們的記念總是讓我們感到溫暖。我們將服事台灣長老教會的弟兄姊妹視為特權。Morningside Gardens這個社區有許多居民來自中國,也有少數來自台灣。我偶爾會講中文炫耀一下,總是令他們十分驚喜。若是有機會的話,我希望有在附近學校就讀的台灣留學生能夠和我練習我的台語。

我的兒女都是在馬偕醫院出生—小兒子MARK現居智利聖地牙哥,女兒則是在奧瑞崗,孫子都已經十幾歲了。 我健康情況都好,也能在Riverside Church,Union神學院和其他機構繼續擔任志工。



Dear Rev. Lin,

Your faithful remembering of us, who counted it a privilege to serve the Presbyterian Church of Taiwan and its gracious sisters and brothers, continues to warm our hearts. The community here at Morningside Gardens has many residents who hail from China- old and new and a few from Taiwan. It’s fun to surprise them with the little Mandarin I still recall. I would be delighted to practice Taiwanese, if any students come this way to local universities or the Manhattan School of Music or Union Theological Seminary. 。

 My younger son, Mark, born at Mackay Hospital lives in Santiago, Chile where I spent U.S. Thanksgiving and Becky, born at Mackay shortly after our arrival in 1959 is still “catching babies” in Portland, OR. Her own children are both teenagers now. I am blessed with good health and continue to volunteer at Riverside Church in various capacities, as well as with international students at Union Theological Seminary.

I remember so well how gracious people in Taiwan were to me and my family when I was a stranger “and you took me in.” God bless your faithfulness until we meet again!

Marie Wilson