Mrs. Mary Garvin 2011年請安函



很高興聽到有關台灣和退休宣教師家庭的消息。我不認識 Mrs. Rowold, 或 陳鐵漢牧師娘,但我和 Jean Walvoord 很熟,很傷心聽到她過世的消息。

您可能已經聽到,吳嘉文牧師終於真正退休了,並已正式發出通知給玉山神學院,明年九月他將不會返回學校。他熱愛在玉神的時間,我認為他真的會懷念他在那裏的生活,但另一方面,我們家族很高興他就在這裡附近安息。大衛(Gô Bêng-jîn)仍然在台灣,並希望能得到他的永久居留證。他的心真正是向著台灣。

我附上我的聖誕信,也有一些我們家族在2011 年7月聚會的照片,大衛除外。這是多年來我們家族第一次的聚會。露絲在台灣教學8年後,於去年回來,仍然非常想念台灣。這封信會給你有關我的消息。明年一月我就75歲了,但我希望能於六月或七月再次返回馬拉威培訓愛滋病孤兒的心理輔導員。目前在等待是否能得到這項事工經費的消息。

台灣始終佔據著我的心和我人生很大一部分的回憶。最近我失去了兩位親愛的台灣朋友。Mrs. Betty Lee,她在聖經研究小組翻譯我的書,並在女宣道會跟我一起策劃聖經研究小組事工,於去年 10月過世。我很高興去年十二月,當我在台北時有和她見面。另一位朋友是王惠子,她於上週過世,今天是她的葬禮。惠子在基督教女青年會非常活躍,是我親愛的朋友。


Gratefully yours,

Mary Helen

Daughter Ruth with her son Joshua and girlfriend, Krystl 

December 30, 2011

Dear Lim Bok-su.

Your letter arrived yesterday with the enclosed generous gift. I am so grateful to the TCCCNA for your kindness in remembering me each year. January is always an expensive month for me, so your gift is a great help.

It is good to receive news of Taiwan and of the retired mission family. I did not know Mrs. Rowold, or Mrs. Tan, but Jean Walvoord was a dear friend and I am sad to hear of her passing.

You may have heard that Murray (Go Ka-bun bok-su) is finally really retiring and has given notice to Yu Shan Theological College that he will not be returning next September. He has loved his time there, and I think he will really miss his life there, but on the other hand, our family here will be glad to have him nearby. David (Go Beng-jin) remains in Taiwan and hopes to get his permanent resident certificate. His heart is truly Taiwanese.

I am attaching my Christmas newsletter and also some photos of our family gathering in July, 2011. Except for David, it is the first time we have all been together for many years. Ruth came home last year after 8 years teaching in Taiwan, but misses Taiwan greatly. The letter will give you news of my activities. I will be 75 in January, but am hoping to return to Malawi one more time in June and July to train grief counselors for AIDS orphans. We are waiting to hear if we get the funding for the project.

Taiwan will always occupy a large part of my heart and my memories. It was with great sadness that I lost two of my dear Taiwanese friends recently. Mrs. Betty Lee, who translated my book on Small Group Bible Study, and worked with me in the Small group Bible study project for the Lu -Soan to-hoe, died in October. I was so glad to have seen her last December when I was in Taipei. My friend, Keiko Wang died last week and her funeral is today. Keiko was very active in the YWCA and was a dear friend to me.

May God bless you all and grant that 2012 may be a year filled with joy and love in the knowledge of our Savior, and great satisfaction in your various services for His Kingdom.

Gratefully yours,

Mary Helen

The photos are as follows. 619 Son Peter with Winnie, Travis and Rebecca 621 Erik, Son Michael, Zachary, Michael's wife Carole, and Jessica 623 Katie, Daughter Anne, Dallas (in front) and Curtis with girlfriend (Husband Dave absent) 625 Daughter Ruth with her son Joshua and girlfriend, Krystl 614 The Garvin Grandchildren

Mary Helen Garvin


The Garvin Grandchildren