
 Lim 牧師, 平安



但是,我們在不列顛哥倫比亞省與台灣人接觸始於 1989年。昨天下午,白色岩石基督徒團契的一些成員來我們家聚會和聚餐。一如你們的傳統,他們為了感謝我們早些日子教他們的英語並研讀聖經,帶來了伴手禮。我們現在有足夠的巧克力,至少可以吃到明年秋天。

大約在三年前,一些來自台灣的家庭住在Abbotsford ,我們結識了其中的幾個家庭,我的妻子自動提供教他們英語。他們都不是基督徒。兩個星期前,其中有個人打電話給我們說,他希望能帶二十位或更多的朋友來我們家晚飯,但是他們會自己帶食物來。這對我們來說是全新的體驗。他曾多次到我們家,所以我們不得不提醒他,這是一個小公寓,只能容納 12個座位。晚餐十,我問他們是否注意到掛在壁爐的藝術作品。只有一個猜測,那是一幅取材自“聖經”的圖片。

前幾天,他邀請我們加入他和他的家人以及一些朋友在Abbotsford的一間中國餐館吃晚飯。餐後,他的兒子拿出小提琴為一個女人伴奏,她是Surry長老教會詩班的成員,她唱“O Holy Night”,她優美的歌聲遠遠超過電視歌手的演唱!就像年輕人說的:“awesome!(真棒)”



彼得和蘇珊 Kehler (12/23/2011)

Lim Bok-su Pengan,

Your letter and gift arrived today. What a surprise! I was also surprised to hear that you had been in Vancouver in October for your meeting this year. It would have been a pleasure to meet you and learn more about the work of your organization.

We enjoyed our work in Taiwan and we remember how very dependent we were upon the Presbyterians to assist us in our ministry. The early directors, doctors, nurses, chaplains and staff at the Mennonite Christian Hospital were all members of the Presbyterians Church. Many of our pastors had the training in your seminaries in Tainan and Taipei. I worked together with some of your pastors who were also members to Taiwan Christian Service, The Leprosy Society and The Taiwan Bible Society. It was an enriching experience.

But our ministry with the Taiwanese people here in B.C. began in 1989. Yesterday afternoon some members of the White Rock Christian Fellowship came to us house for a time of fellowship and eating together. As is your people's tradition they came bearing gifts in expression of their gratitude for our earlier beginning of teaching English and conducting Bible studies. We now have enough chocolates to last us at least until next Fall.

Then about three years some families from Taiwan came to live in Abbotsford we became acquainted with a few of them and my wife offered to teach them English. None of them are Christians. Two weeks ago one of these men called us said that he wanted to introduce some of his twenty or more friends to come to our house for supper. They would bring they food. This was a totally new experience for us. He has been to our home many times so we had to remind him that we have a small condominium and we cannot seat more than 12. During our dinner I asked each of them if they had seen the work of art that we have hanging over the fireplace. Only one guessed that it was a picture from the Bible.

Then early this week he asked us to join him and his family and some of his friends for a supper at a Chinese Restaurant in Abbotsford. At the end of the meal his son played the violin while a woman, who sings in the choir of the Presbyterian Church in Surry sang, "O Holy Night". I commended her fro her beautiful voice which is far better than one hears on TV! It was, as the young say, "awesome!"

We find great joy in working with the Taiwanese. They have a culture all their own. It is one of respect, kindness and generosity. We praise God that He granted us the experience of working with the Taiwanese in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

May God's love and peace be with you,

Peter and Susan Kehler