史邁克 牧師 2013年請安函

Dear Lim Bok-su,,

請接受我衷心的謝意,我已經收到TCCCNA的禮物$ 200。

至於我的最新消息,請參考我的年度書信,以及中、英文版的THRAC ( 加拿大台灣人權協會) 發出的九月憲政危機聲明。

我可以給你Margaret Mackay的最新消息,因為我經常花時間陪她。Margaret Mackay 將於7月滿94歲。她還住在她的公寓, Lynda Hayes同她住在一起並打理她的起居。Margaret在 2013年五月因小中風而跌倒(無骨折),結果,她現在用輔助器(walker)走路。下面是八月我帶她去多倫多郊遊的照片。7月在多倫多,台加協會50週年會議上,她被授予特別的表揚(參考我的信和圖片)。她94歲生日時,我和幾個台灣朋友們為她舉辦了一個慶生會。10月,我們為她的母親(Jean Ross)和兩個姐妹,Anna 和 Isabel立了一個新的墓碑。

如果您需要更多有關 Margaret的相片或資料讓我知道。



Please accept my thanks for the gift of $200 I have now received from the TCCCNA.

As for updates and news you can see my annual epistle atached, and the Chinese and English versions of the statement that THRAC issued about Taiwan's Constitutional crisis in September.

I might give you an update on Margaret Mackay, as I spend time with her frequently. Margaret turned 94 in July. She still lives at her apartment, with a helper Lynda Hayes, staying with her. Margaret had a fall in May (no broken bones) but because it was the result of a a small stroke she now walks with a walker. Here is a picture of me taking her on an outing in August in Toronto. In July she was honoured with a special recognition at the 50th anniversary Taiwanese Canadian Association Convention in Toronto (see the picture on my letter). We had a party for her 94th birthday attended by several Taiwanese friends as well as others. In October we dedicated a new gravestone at the grave of her mother (Jean Ross) and two sisters, Anna and Isabel.

If you would like some more pictures or information on Margaret let me know.

TCCNA members will be interested to know that Rev Wu Chiung-hao 伍烱豪 will begin his ministry at Taiwanese United Church in Toronto on January 5. He comes to us from Louisville Taiwanese Presbyterian Church.

Merry Christmas.

Michael Stainton 12/20/2013

  1. Christmas  Greetings  2010

  2. 台灣憲政危機聲明