懷約翰牧師夫婦 2013年請安函




我們很高興能在每年的這個時候寄出問候函,我相信你們都很好吧。 我們的生活和以前差不多。以利繼續教大三法語,參加各種法語課程,並幫忙當地的慈善商店整理書籍。約翰在他的排灣族英詞典做了一些補充的工作。我們已經在春,秋各開放一次我們的家舉行教會的家庭小組聚會,我們也參與其他各種教會活動,並繼續參加有150團員的合唱團。

我們的暑假是乘長途遊覽車和輪渡到蘇格蘭外海的外赫布里底群島度假,然後在馬爾住了幾天,到附近的艾奧娜和斯塔旅行。期間在蘇格蘭,我們還拜訪了一些以利的親戚(見圖)。 整體而言,我們都還保持良好的健康,除了約翰最近被診斷出背部下方患有嚴重的關節炎,這意味著他現在僅能用兩支拐杖走短距離。他剛剛拿到殘障停車證,這將有助於他多出去走走。



  L-R Back: William B, Helen O’D, Davie S, Elizabeth, Margaret S. Front: John, a friend, Ailsa O’D, Isla O’D, Tim O’D  

Dear Lim Bok-su

Thank you very much for your letter and the generous cheque.

Our lives have continued much as before. Elizabeth has continued to teach French to a University of the Third Age class, attended various French classes and sorted books in a local charity shop. John has done some more work on his supplement to a aiwan-English dictionary. We have hosted a house group for our church in spring and autumn and have been involved in various other church activities. We have played some bowls and continued to sing in a choir of 150.

Our summer holiday was a trip by coach and ferry down the length of the Outer Hebrides, followed by a few days on Mull with trips to Iona and Staffa. While in Scotland we were also able to see some of Elizabeth’s relations (see photo over).

Of John’s nine grandchildren, one is married, two are in full-time employment, four are at different universities, one is in a gap year job and one is still at school. Of Elizabeth’s four nieces, one is working in Spain, one is at university and the other two are still at school.

John’s son David and his wife Margie have visited about ten African countries to consult and support their colleagues in Worldwide Evangelisation for Christ. Richard’s wife Rachel has moved to a hospice job in Stoke. Elizabeth’s brother William has moved house to Fife. Their brother Robert has had a difficult year of poor health and unemployment.

We have kept well on the whole except that John has recently been diagnosed with severe arthritis in his lower back, which means that he walks only short distances now, with two sticks. He has just been granted a blue badge for parking which will make it possible for him to get out more.

With best wishes for the coming year,

John & Elizabeth Whitehorn