羅恆理 2009年請安函

感謝你們今年特別架設網站,這是一項愛的工作,因為它使我們能夠跟蹤一些我們不常聯繫的朋友和同工,感謝您將我們和那些人包括在一起,這是我們的榮耀。 對這些朋友和同工,以及所有TCCCNA會員,我們談談過去一年的回顧 — — 也期待別人能讀到其他同工的信件。


年終時,我們有一個突發事件。就是在我們要離開一個月前往加州和香港(並到緬甸為那裡的教會培訓領導人)的前兩天,Phyllis 因嚴重肺炎住院。如果我們為了去看的分散在各地的孩子 (Jonathan和家庭在香港; Gayle 和 Sheryl 的家庭在三藩市地區) 和所有孫子,還是出航,就算感謝上帝,一路上肺炎並不明顯。除了不方便,肺炎還可能會致命的。無論如何,在住院一周後,她得以回家靜養,病情持續好轉,使我們能夠與我們加州的家庭歡度過聖誕節期。順便說一下,感恩節前夕正是她中風四周年,她走過很長的一段路,仍然還有一些殘餘的影響。


Dear sisters and brothers of the Taiwanese Christian Church Council of N.A.:

What marvelous joy spills over from our Lord’s gift of His Son. The angels couldn’t hold in their songs of praise, the shepherds ran through the hills to Bethlehem, the wise mean came from far off to give their homage, and that joy continues down through the centuries. One personal overflow of that joy comes from your letter and the very gracious gift of $150 you sent a few weeks ago. Thank you for that and for all the memories of fellowship in Taiwan life and ministry.

Special this year also was the website you have put together. That work of love is most appreciated, for it allows us to track some good friends and colleagues that we don’t often have contact with. We thank you for the honor of including us with those people. With those friends and colleagues, in addition to you all, in mind, we’d like to include a few items of this past year—and we look forward to reading current letters from others.

This year didn’t start out particularly special for us, but it did turn out to mark one of those major points of passage in life for us. Among those blind-sided by the economic shriveling of this year was the seminary (Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO), which in turn led to an offer of "early retirement" to folks 55 and above. Though not all accepted that offer, not a few did, including myself—although at my age "early” retirement seemed more like "it's-about-time” retirement. Anyhow, as of June 1, I am retired—and we’re both enjoying while still trying to figure out life without full-time commitments. I do continue to teach part-time, which I enjoy, but we have also taken time for some travel and other pleasures (plays, concerns, social/civic activities).

There was one other major, year-end surprise. Just two days before we were to leave for a month in California and Hong Kong (and a trip to Myanmar for in-service training for church leaders there), Phyllis was hospitalized with heavy pneumonia. While that took the sails out of seeing in one month’s time all our children and all grandchildren, scattered as they are (Jonathan & family in Hong Kong; Gayle and Sheryl and families in the San Francisco area), we were thankful that the pneumonia didn’t become apparent while on the road. Beyond inconvenient, that could have been life-threatening. In any case, after a week in the hospital, she’s home and on the mend--enough that we were able to spend Christmas week with our California family. By the way, Thanksgiving Eve also marked four years since her stroke, and while she's come an incredibly long way, there are still a few residual effects.

As we stand just a couple days before the New Year, we look with anticipation at the year coming (including a hopeful stay of a few months in Taiwan). Major issues abound in this fragile world, which serve also to highlight the gifts of life, hope, and joy that our Lord came to bring. We pray those gifts for each of you, for our compatriots in Taiwan, and for all God’s children.

Your sister and brother in Christ,

Phyllis (梅惠理 – Muî Huī-lí) & Henry Rowold (羅恆理 – Lô Hêng-lí)
