梅佳蓮姑娘  2009年請安函

1st February 2010

Dear Lim Bok-su,


我們這裡即將有一個大選,但因為今年冬天的嚴寒天氣被擱置了。通常西Sessex下大雪持續的時間很短,但今年冰雪使生活困難,即使在這南海岸,我有超過 10天的時間都無法出門。現在仍然是非常寒冷,夜間氣溫 -7'C,即使在白天也仍然在冰點左右。但我想到在世界各地的人,特別是目前在海地的人民,我們知道,我們仍然非常幸福。



This is a very delayed greeting and ‘Thank you’ for your Christmas letter and the very generous gift which accompanied it. It really is heart-warming to be remembered each year and I know that your concern for the well-being of all of us who served in Taiwan continues all year round. As indeed does our remembrance of you all both in the USA and in Taiwan. We, too, are concerned about the current political situation and we do keep you in our thoughts and prayers especially praying that the leaders of our church will receive God’s gift of courage and vision in the days to come.

Here we are to have a General Election soon but thoughts of that have been on hold as we coped with the extremely cold weather conditions we have experienced this winter. Usually West Sessex has manageable snow lasting only a short time but this year the snow and ice has made life difficult even here in the south coast. I was not able to go out at all for more than ten days and even now it is still bitterly cold. At night the temperature has been -7’C and even in the daytime it is still around freezing. But we think of people in places around the world, especially at present the people of Haiti, and we know that we are still very blessed.

I send you all my warmest greetings and good wishes.


Mai Ka-Tian

My apologies for a typewritten letter but the tremor in my right hand makes writing difficult otherwise I still live independently and friends are very helpful.